Agnès Hiver
Agnès Hiver
Adjointe scientifique
(0041) 22 379 53 56
After obtaining my master's degree in biochemistry in 1990 in Lyon, I worked for 22 years in private companies such as the Battelle Institute, Bracco Research SA and Merck Serono (previously Serono).
During these years, I established, developed and run in vivo pharmacokinetic / pharmacodynamics (PK/PD) models as well as disease models (inflammatory and neurodegenerative pathology areas) to support all stages of the drug discovery portfolio.
I had the opportunity to join Prof. Christian Lüscher’s laboratory in 2013 where I support activities and projects focusing on mice genotyping, in vivo experimentations (stereotaxic injections, surgery in mice, behavioural experiments) and other logistical aspects. Currently I am also in charge of the CLARITY technique which goal is to image neurological wiring in mouse's brain made transparent.